Minuni News — Minuni marca turismo
Report on TVE's La2 about Minuni: "Living from Art"
Maravillas de España Minuni La2 Minuni marca turismo Minuni Pozuelo Minuni TVE Pepe de Rojas TVE2
Report broadcast in February 2018 on La2 on Spanish Television in which we discuss what Minuni is and how you can make a living from an artistic project. It's very brief, so you can see it in a moment. They did it to us in connection with the Exhibition "The simplicity of a memory" held in Pozuelo de Alarcón throughout the month of February. Thanks to Raúl de Andrés for having Minuni.
Report about Minuni in Emprende on TVE
Emprende Minuni emprendedora Minuni marca turismo Minuni TVE
This report was broadcast in December 2016 and January 2017 on TVE's 24h and Internacional channels. It emphasizes Minuni as an entrepreneurial company that promotes natural and cultural heritage with quality designs and products.